Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Plaugeworks! ICC 10man Heroic.

Ey' Blog,
Bastiloo here.

How feverishly I have waited for the time to come when I would be finally able to run anything ICC related. This is due to the fact that I have recently returned from a nearly nine-month break from WoW, and of course; this was before ICC was released.

Logging on a bit late into the game after work, I had to sit on standby with my guildmates, absorbing EP while I waited for my turn (in hopes someone would leave). And being the lucky fool I am, someone had ninja logged to go play Starcraft II. Sure it sucked; but hell, I got into ICC 10 man Heroic, STRAIGHT to Heroic.

I don't have time for that "normal mode" bullshit.

So in being the pro I am, I quickly tried to navigate around the internet, finding the strategies for the bosses, along with having our raid leader spit information left and right at me to absorb just moments before the fights. I came in at Saurfang, which was a typical DPS race with priority adds every once in awhile, but the hard part came with Festergut, and Rotface.

Saurfang is an easy fight really, in all principle. Deepsdeepsdeeps, he spawns adds that you HAVE to kill. These things do massive damage, (Especially to hunters, eeek!) and are priority for all the ranged DPS when the spawn, to hurry and get them off of the tanks and melee DPS they spawn next to. He counts down with "marks" he casts on individuals that debuff them, but the real purpose is after he casts three, you only have about 30 seconds to kill him before he bloodrages, killing everyone and becoming invicible.

From that? v

Shortly after, came Festergut. For those of you who aren't familiar with this boss, and on heroic. It's fairly simple when you stay organized. At a set interval, he will do a huge vomit attack that effects everyone, and will kill everyone if the proper steps are not taken. During the fight, he will spawn randomly two "spores" on people. These spores, when around other players in the raid will coat them with a buff that negates a portion of the "big barf" attack damage. In theory, each party member should be coated every single time the spores pop up for maximum protection, and deeps. Other than that, dodge the green slime that appears under people, and stay away from other players, as an attack might hit you that multiplies, and divides damage between you and people around. (Personally I was responsible for killing the entire range group cause I move to much, once. >> )

Nothing dropped for me from that. (SAD) But's dat's cool.

Next came Festerguts twin, or whatever; Rotface. The fights is generally the same, he does the big attack that requires you to be away from others, and a green slime. But NOW, random 1/4's of the arena get covered quickly in slime in intervals, keeping you on your toes. Along with that, a small "ooze" mob will fall from the ceiling and attach itself to a player. This player is meant to run to the off tank to help mitigate the damage, and kite it around until another player gets marked as the "diseased guy". When the diseased guy runs to the ooze, it causes him/her to spawn an ooze out of himself in which causes the two smaller oozes to combine into a big one. Shortly after, it explodes killing people around it, or massive damage. We downed that fool.
^ For me! Improoooovement.

Finally, (for the raid that night) we were aiming towards Putricide, (Professor, maybe?).
We didn't wipe once on this guy, and of course we switched it off of Heroic mode for this one fight. Supposedly he is reaaaaaallly tough on heroic, but we managed. The fight starts by one person drinking a potion off of a neaby table, turning into a large abomination who's whole goal is to drink up puddles of goop on the ground. (I think they spread if he doesn't.) The others just Deeps down the boss. During his first phase, green and orange blobs will alternate spawning, and "focus" on a certain player. If green, you need to run to the person they are going towards, a small "laser" attaches the two, draining health. When you stand next to the person the green is going for, it will also absorb you a smill bit, but serverely cause damage to the blog, killing it. Oranges are a different story, in which all everyone does it DPS them down, before they explode.

2nd Phase, Putricide does more damage, blobs still spawn, but now he drop small green vials of boomboom juice on the ground you must not touch, or get near. Easy. We got kinda sloppy for a minute, but caught ourselves.

3rd Phase. More damage and speed, no more blobs, but he still fires out the gree vials. The catch now is that it is a DPS race. The walls kinda open up and begin slowly filling the room with a gross green liquid, which kills everyone if you don't kill him quick enough. (It more or less coats the floor.) So the tank needs to keep him moving while the room slowly fills, and typically the fight will end in a corner with only a few feet left of open non-death areas.

Nice fights overall, I had fun though I had alot of pressure on me not to suck, which I didn't. Please, during my time in the raid I really didn't have time to sit and read all the debuffs certain things caused, or exacts, so if I was wrong on anything, comment away.

Byebye 200gold for all those times we wiped, I will miss youuuuu~

Bastiloo the Poor

PS: If you got anything out of this post, humor, insight, or just a decent read, share it on facebook, or with a friend, and follow us!


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