Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Round Table!? Oh shit!

Dear peoples,

Ah! The wonderful world of the roundtable discussions! Everyone thank Rengen for getting all of this together, and excuse the current look of the layout. Soon, (Hopefully), the site will be easier to navigate with buttons for each of our blogs and what not, enabling readers to quickly navigate to their favorite authors!

So? What is the roundtable? It's a WoW based blog in the PvP Realm Drak'Tharon, in which we all will post about our weekly accomplishments, and thoughts about our characters/game/raid, whatever in general. Hopefully someone can stumble upon one of our posts and take some information with them from it, and use it to their advantage.

As it stands, we will each have a day dedicated for a post that we will post on. These days will be our "update" days, in which we post a decent amount of information and junk. Of course, this doesn't mean we cannot post on any other day, so be sure to sign up for notifications!

But for now, I am at work, and I will be raiding tonight. My post late this evening will be that of my raiding, and my accomplishments and thoughts about ICC! Woo!

- Awesomely,
Bastiloo the potent.


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