Thursday, August 12, 2010


Yesterday was the day my World of Warcraft adventure really started, It has been a long and sometimes boring road but I have finally reach Level 80.

I purchased my first set of Tier 9, the shoulders to be exact I only had 40 emblems, along with the Black Mammoth Mount here is a video of how I got to level 80.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Rengen Here

Hi, this is Rengen I am a Troll Shaman leveling so far has been fun, until I hit 76 and it Slows WAY DOWN. I have mainly been using dungeon finder to level because it give the best exp, My main spec is Restoration but i like to dabble in the art of DPS by way of Enhancement. I am now lvl 77 and leveling is starting to speed back up it feel like 76 - 77 takes FOREVER!! The fact that i am lazy Doesn't  help anything at all, lol

I'm off to kill some bosses

Monday, August 2, 2010

Callus! And Dungeon Finder.


As I have stated before my newest exploit takes the form of the wonderous new character, Callus; a Troll Warrior with a sour tongue. This of course means he's mainly specced into "Arms" and, I greatly enjoy the tree so far.

Sure it lacks in pure firepower, but alot of the talents and skills really give me a "jack of all trades" kinda feel when it comes to PvP and groups. I've never found myself without an ability to use when surrounded by a few Alliance, or when the tank doesn't fully hold the aggro on boss.

Plus, how cool is it to wield a giant axe?

Answer: Very.

As of his leveling, mainly I have been using the dungeon finder, taking along Natharia and Kickinwingz with me for our triple experience, which so far has worked out wonderfully. We have a DPS/TANK/HEALS group which instantly gets queued for any dungeon we want. It's pretty sweet compared to just a single DPS, as you have to imagine how many of those are just sitting waiting for their invite.

So far the experience has been great with my companions, our tank has some lag issues on occasion, but when he isn't randomly disconnecting, he is a great tank that does a A+ job at holding the aggro, and when he doesn't, I do an +A job of off tanking (both being warriors). Our heals, the Druid Natharia, also has quickly adapted to the roll of a healer and generally does a good job when it comes to managing her heals, not overhealing and wasting mana, and whatever else healers do. (Pshhh, magics.)

Now that we've all hit 40, it's time for us to start questing and enjoying some other aspects of de' World of Warcraft, such as PvP battlegrounds, and questing; not to metion our professions! Wooo! So just sit back, stay tuned, and be amazed!
